The Foundation, recognizing the absence of a connect with the market which hinders fair prices and volumes in sale of the unorganized tiny divyang entrepreneurs, made an effort for development of a brand and platform for marketing of products of these determined entrepreneurs. Name of the brand has been arrived at Ekam (Entrepreneurship, Knowledge, Awareness, Marketing). The word Ekam also represents the inclusiveness, oneness and unity which appropriately describe the efforts being put in by NHFDC Foundation.

Developing Marketing Platform for the sale of Products to the PwD Entrepreneurs:
- The foundation, recognizing the absence of a connect with the market which hinders fair prices and volumes in sale of the unorganized tiny divyang entrepreneurs, made an effort for development of a brand and platform for marketing of products of these determined entrepreneurs. Name of the brand has been arrived at Ekam (Entrepreneurship, Knowledge, Awareness, Marketing). The word Ekam also represents the inclusiveness, oneness and unity which appropriately describe the efforts being put in by NHFDC.
- As E-commerce is the way forward for facilitating Pan India Sales of products made by PwDs, the corporation has initiated aggregating and facilitating sales through various e-commerce platforms like amazon, flipkart and government sites including GEM.